Internet Safety for Children
Apr 07, 2016 11:17AM ● By News Desk
In today’s society, electronics and the World Wide Web play a huge role in the lives of children. Although there are many advantages to having information at fingertips, there’s a

downside. An innocent Google search may pull up potentially dangerous and inappropriate information, images or videos. As a parent, how do you protect your children? One of the precautions that moms and dads can take is creating a personal user ID for your child and switching the search engine to Kiddle.
What’s Kiddle?
Kiddle is a kid safe visual search engine, found at Google’s kid-safe search engine filters out mature adult content and sites are handpicked and checked by Kiddle editors to ensure kid friendly material. The search results are typically less than what one would receive on a regular search engine and are sifted out for explicit content. Terms such as “sex” and “Kim Kardashian” will produce zero search results; whereas, a “Justin Bieber” search will pull up pages about his new haircut or performances without any non-kid friendly information regarding his personal life.

Kiddle encourages feedback from moms and dads. In order to improve the site, parents can request additional keyword search and site blocking by filling out a blocking request form. The form requires detailed reasoning of a request to block search terms or certain sites found on Kiddle. Expect to receive correspondence within one business day.

The internet has a wealth of information that can lend itself to educating today’s youth. It is important for kids to be able to have access to technology without compromising their innocence and values. Safe search engines can provide some comfort and relief to parents who are worried about the dangers that come with utilizing the web.