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comme ca! Like That Y'all-Community Comment

Sep 08, 2016 12:08PM ● By Press Release

Comme Ca- September 2016
What are the Saints chances for a winning season in 2016?

I feel the Saints do not have a very good chance of a winning season.  I feel they will be plagued with injuries. They do not seem to have very good odds this year. However, if they were to have a chance, I feel the wide receiver, Michael Thomas is the player that could turn things around. The reason for this is because the public always chooses one person responsible for their success. It's almost like it is not the team that get them to win as a whole. It is always one player and I think he would be the one.

 ~ Vanessa Johnson Mollere, Lafayette

My brain says our Saints have a 65% chance of having a winning season, but my southern heart says they will beyond a doubt have a winning season! Of course I'm a Brees fan because he embodies the heart and soul of a true Saint team member. However, upon a bit of investigation, I think guard Tim Lelito will prove to be very valuable this season. Why, you ask... because Sean Payton says so and that's what I've got to go with!

~ Chris Cassidy, Lafayette

Saints will have a pretty good season. However, it’s going to be easier to watch when they lose because that really cute player with the long hair and dreamy blue eyes is dressing out.

~ Yvonne Benitez, Lafayette

Be a true Saints Fan I ALWAYS believe we have a chance of a winning season. Until we don't, then there is always next year.

Drew Brees (of course) but not just for his football skill.  For everything he does for New Orleans and Louisiana. He has given us hope when we were hopeless, guided us out of the Katrina darkness, lead our team to a Super Bowl win, and supports his former teammate Steve Gleason in is battle with ALS.
Drew embodies what being from Louisiana and a Saints' Fan is to the core. He has come here and let the culture and tradition embrace his soul....he has become one of us.... So of course Brees is - as New Orleans is- Good for the Soul. (And hopefully a key player for a winning season!) ~ Missi Trahan, Lafayette

I do think the Saints have a chance at a winning season.  They need to STOP FUMBLING THE BALL! 

~ Christine Blanchard Saucier, Lafayette