Feb 14, 2018 01:22PM ● By Jan Swift
Lafayette is a place I’ve called home for 35 years, a place where I’ve laid down roots and a place where I’ve been given many opportunities to grow and reach for the stars. Lafayette has introduced me to wildly successful entrepreneurs, people who prioritize family and friends, people who know how to cook and how to party, and people of deep spiritual values who humbly live out their faith, especially by helping others in time of need.
I’ve fallen more in love with this community as I have gained a deeper understanding of how our region’s Acadian roots continue to influence this rich and self-sufficient place we proudly call home.
The people, their stories and their passion for life fascinate me, and I believe that our collective story is one worth telling. But unlike organized efforts that may focus just on business, or culture, or places to visit or eat, I’m interested in telling the whole story and letting it be told through the voices of the people who inspire, weaving a rich tapestry that captures the totality of this wonderful region we love.
Discover Lafayette is a podcast dedicated to the people, places and culture of Lafayette, the gateway to South Louisiana and the region we call Acadiana.
With a focus on the warm joie de vivre or “joy of living” exemplified by our people, each guest has offered up honest and heart-warming stories that you will not want to miss! From my first guest, Pascale Henry, a French native who has successfully operated Pascale Spa for thirty years, to Warren Perrin, Acadian Historian and the man who successfully obtained a Royal Proclamation of Apology for the Acadian Deportation from the Queen of England, to Charlie Goodson, the restaurateur known for excellence in all he does, Discover Lafayette shines the light on our inviting and rich culture and history.
Some of you may be asking, “What is a podcast?” It is a pre-recorded interview, similar to a radio broadcast, that you can access for free, and which may be listened to anytime on a website or by “subscribing” on iTunes or other places podcasts may be accessed such as Stitcher or Google Play. On your cell phone, you can download an app called “Podcasts” and subscribe to your favorite podcasts right on your phone for easy listening. I have become a podcast “junkie” and listen to shows while I exercise or work around the house. It’s a great way to keep up with issues at your convenience, without having to tune in to the radio at a set time in order to catch a show.
Researching for the shows and getting to know the guests better has been truly inspirational. Having the opportunity to conduct a relaxed interview, which typically lasts from 25 to 45 minutes, also allows each guest to reflect on their experiences and talk candidly about their love of our community. I hope you will enjoy these interviews as much as I do!
I look forward to writing for Publisher Flint Zerangue’s newest publication, Parish News and FACE Magazine. In each issue, I will share an in-depth look at guests who provide inspirational looks at the spirit of Acadiana!
Special thanks must go to Rader Solutions and Lafayette Convention & Visitors Commission for their underwriting support of Discover Lafayette, as well as AOC Community Media for assisting with my initial launch of this podcast.
Please visit to listen to all podcast episodes and also catch the new television component of this show. On the site, you can subscribe to the Discover Lafayette on Apple and Android devices to automatically get weekly updates of our episodes. C’est bon!!