Youth Sports and Concussions
Sep 05, 2018 03:17PM ● By Staff Writer
As summer comes to an end and the fall semester begins, many school-age children are taking to the fields to show off their athletic talents, and with soccer and football being the most popular sports for children under the age of 18, the potential for an injury such as a concussion is a definite possibility.
Over the past 20 years, I’ve watched my kids play many different sports, and yes, they’ve all suffered the occasional injury. As a parent, I accept that as part of growing up. My children have been educated and coached to understand that injuries are a risk one takes when engaging in competitive sports. However, understanding and accepting the risks does not mean playing recklessly where a player can bring harm to themselves or others.
I believe we’re lucky to live in Acadiana, where the youth organizations my family has been associated with places the safety of the players above winning. Be that as it may, the risk of a concussion in highly physical sports such as soccer and football is always possible.
To better recognize, treat, and understand the long and short-term effects a concussion can have we ask you to read the following information provided by the CDC.