Festival International 2019: Safety Tips, Prohibited Acts, Parking, & FAQ's
Apr 24, 2019 09:01AM ● By Staff WriterFestival International de Louisiane (Festival) 2019 takes place April 24-28, 2019 in downtown Lafayette, Louisiana. The Lafayette Police Department and Face Magazine want to remind the public and Festival goers of a few safety tips, prohibited acts, and changes in parking to assure a safe and family friendly environment during your Festival experience:
Plan your Festival adventure. Dress according to the weather, bring sunscreen and stay hydrated. Download the Festival Mobile App. Everything you need in one app! Review and learn about this year's Special Events, Schedules, Activities, Site Map, Shuttles Service, Food, Artisans, and most importantly—TOP UP your RFID wristband with ease!
As parking downtown will be nearly impossible during Festival, it is strongly encouraged that you walk, ride a bike, or park at ULL’s Cajun Field, located at 2351 W Congress St, Lafayette, LA 70506, and take the Service Chevrolet Cadillac Shuttle to and from Festival.*
- All normal parking regulations apply during Festival
- Please observe the closure of some roadways within the Festival area
- Observe all special event parking signs near the Festival (Downtown) area
- A Free shuttle is available to and from Cajun Field and Festival in downtown Lafayette*
*NOTE: When parking at Cajun Field, there will be a $10.00 per car fee (proceeds go to UL Athletics), and that fee can ONLY be paid by a credit card (No cash Accepted).
For additional information on parking, transportation & shuttles, accommodations, and other frequently asked questions, visit https://festivalinternational.org/information/
- Do not leave children unattended
- Decide in advance on a meeting place in case anyone gets lost within your group
- Notify police of a missing child immediately
- Carts, pets, glass, personal tents, metal poles, shade canopies, beach or pole-style umbrellas, are not allowed
- Inserting stakes, poles, or any other objects into the ground, or use of ropes, cords, tape, etc. to reserve space is not allowed
- Weapons, illicit drugs, and other contraband are strictly prohibited
- Ice chests or coolers
- Animals are not allowed in festival area
- “Flash Mob” style disturbances or any deliberate acts that cause fear and chaos in a crowd are dangerous to the public and costly to our businesses. These types of criminal acts will be investigated by the Lafayette Police Department with vigor and to the fullest extent. Individuals found participating in such acts will be arrested for the appropriate offense

Enjoy your Festival experience!!!