Susan G. Komen® Affiliates in Louisiana Join Forces to Increase Impact
May 06, 2019 11:21AM ● By Press Release
The Louisiana Affiliates of the Susan G. Komen breast cancer organization have officially joined together to form a new statewide Affiliate, called Susan G. Komen Louisiana.
Angela Miller, Executive Director for Komen Louisiana made the announcement vis a news release stating the new unified organization will enable the breast cancer organization to operate more efficiently and to expand its ability to support the breast health needs of Louisianans across the entire state.
The new Komen Louisiana Affiliate is the result of a merger of Komen North Louisiana and Baton Rouge, along with the strategic expansion of their combined service area to also include parishes in the Bayou region that previously were not supported by a local Komen Affiliate, as well as the 14-parish area currently supported by Komen Acadiana. Komen New Orleans will remain as a separate Komen Affiliate and will continue to support the remaining eight parishes (Jefferson, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, St. Tammany, and Washington).
Komen Louisiana is committed to helping achieve the organization’s Bold Goal to reduce the current number of breast cancer deaths by 50% in the U.S. by 2026. They will do that by contributing to Komen’s effort to find breakthroughs for the most aggressive and deadly breast cancers, as well as working locally to ensure all people receive needed care. Locally this means funding programs across the state that provide critical education and that remove barriers to screening and timely, quality care.
“As Komen Louisiana, we will continue to share a commitment to the women and men we serve. Now that our merger filing has been completed, we will begin work to collectively improve our capacity to deliver on Komen’s mission to save lives,” said Christine Powell, Board Treasurer of Baton Rouge and the new Komen Louisiana. Lacy Miletello, Board member from Monroe shares, “We are working to implement initiatives that will create maximum impact for our state. We look forward to working with strategic partners from around the state to best serve the people of Louisiana.”
Komen Louisiana will continue to host annual Race for the Cure and More Than Pink Walk events in Lafayette, Monroe, Bossier City, and Baton Rouge, as well as other fundraising events across the state.
About Susan G. Komen®
Susan G. Komen is the world’s largest breast cancer organization, funding more breast cancer research than any other nonprofit while providing real-time help to those facing the disease. Komen has set a Bold Goal to reduce the current number of breast cancer deaths by 50 percent in the U.S. by 2026. Komen was founded in 1982 by Nancy G. Brinker, who promised her sister, Susan G. Komen, that she would end the disease that claimed Suzy’s life. Visit or call 1-877 GO KOMEN. Connect with us on social at
Connect with Komen Louisiana on Facebook at, Twitter at KomenLouisiana, and Instagram at komenlouisiana.