Parish Proud Announces Broussard Proud
Jun 11, 2021 02:01PM ● By Press Release
Parish Proud and the City of Broussard have entered into a new and exciting partnership allowing citizens to engage with how their city looks in a different way.
"Today, I am pleased to announce Broussard Proud for our city,” states Mayor Ray Bourque. “The commitment to live in a clean, well-maintained city gives our residents and businesses a sense of pride, and partners like Parish Proud help us to stay focused on that goal. Follow us on social media to keep up with ways you can contribute to this effort and show your pride in Broussard.”
"From the beginning, the City of Broussard has really stepped up to the plate. We could not be happier that they've chosen to make our dream a reality." Parish Proud Director, Brianne Hendricks, said. "This partnership will only let us grow their efforts, and we hope it inspires other municipalities to do the same!"
In addition to the announcement, Parish Proud, the City of Broussard and their local Broussard/Youngsville Kiwanis club are hosting a cleanup event on June 12 to Brighten Up Broussard. Those who are looking to volunteer for this event can signup on the United Way of Acadiana Volunteer Center, supported by Parish Proud.
“We are excited to partner with the City of Broussard promoting the 3-E’s to its citizens." Founder of Parish Proud and Stuller Inc, Founder and CEO Matt Stuller said." Parish Proud is about partnering with our communities’ cleanliness and beautification efforts which enhances an area’s pride and vibrancy.”

"Today, I am pleased to announce Broussard Proud for our city,” states Mayor Ray Bourque. “The commitment to live in a clean, well-maintained city gives our residents and businesses a sense of pride, and partners like Parish Proud help us to stay focused on that goal. Follow us on social media to keep up with ways you can contribute to this effort and show your pride in Broussard.”
Parish Proud hopes that this new venture will inspire more residents to engage in their three E's: Eliminating Litter, Encouraging Beautification and Enhancing Parish Pride. Those three combined, Parish Proud says, bring a winning combination to Empower Change.
The partnership was cemented on June 8, during a council meeting of the Broussard City Council. Within the proclamation, Broussard has promised to consistently promote the picking up of litter through events and other means, display "Do Not Litter" road signage, work towards the beautification of their city and keep up with public yard work and landscaping."From the beginning, the City of Broussard has really stepped up to the plate. We could not be happier that they've chosen to make our dream a reality." Parish Proud Director, Brianne Hendricks, said. "This partnership will only let us grow their efforts, and we hope it inspires other municipalities to do the same!"
In addition to the announcement, Parish Proud, the City of Broussard and their local Broussard/Youngsville Kiwanis club are hosting a cleanup event on June 12 to Brighten Up Broussard. Those who are looking to volunteer for this event can signup on the United Way of Acadiana Volunteer Center, supported by Parish Proud.
“We are excited to partner with the City of Broussard promoting the 3-E’s to its citizens." Founder of Parish Proud and Stuller Inc, Founder and CEO Matt Stuller said." Parish Proud is about partnering with our communities’ cleanliness and beautification efforts which enhances an area’s pride and vibrancy.”

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